Individual Therapy

L&C Therapy is currently accepting new clients between the ages of 9-25, for individual therapy.

Therapy sessions consist of one-on-one support in a nonjudgmental safe space to establish goals and process situations. Clients will begin to understand how to cope with their symptoms, improve self-awareness and improve overall wellness.

L&C therapy is committed to helping clients achieve growth and healing. All sessions utilize specific interventions and treatment that best fit each client needs. 

We’ll take it one step at a time.

Clinical Supervision

L&C Therapy has two supervisors, License Clinical Social Workers, LCSW, both board approved by AZBBHE to provide clinical supervision.

No judgement. Only guidance and collaboration to help you grow in your career.

We are eager to support you receive independent licensure to work within the community and pursue your own goals!

If finances are a barrier for your supervision needs, let’s chat more.